Esim - Free MMOG browser game

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current version

3.8.4 18.VIII.2023
- increased speed of gravity tournament
- fixes for gravity tournament
- translations update

3.8.3 16.VIII.2023
- MU page loading time reduced
- added doubleclick protection

3.8.2. 14.VIII.2023
- added VPN filter

3.8.1. 7.VIII.2023
- improved log protection

12.6.11 6.VI.2023
- added test military unit view

12.6.11 3.VI.2023
- added missing badges for temp.servers

12.6.11 2.VI.2023
- fixed reschuffle equipment bug
- its allowed to reschuffle all sets on temp servers.

12.5.11 28.V.2023
- production tax
- removed notification for inviters duel

12.5.10 26.V.2023
- fixes for creating auctions

12.5.9 25.V.2023
- fixing problem with server end

12.5.8 24.V.2023
- added new portals for tutorial
- added new views

12.5.7 23.V.2023
- alerts bug fix (removing alerts)

12.5.6 21.V.2023
- optimized new background images for train, work, travel
- fixing pool rewards

12.5.5 19.V.2023
- replace 200 gold reward with camouflage III class
- implementing final views for new military unit look

12.5.4 17.V.2023
- new reward box and mission pointer

12.5.3 16.V.2023
- new work, train, travel image

12.5.2 11.V.2023
- improvements for day 4 missions

12.5.1 4.V.2023
- improvements for day 2 and 3 missions

12.4.1 12.IV.2023
- testing different path of tutorial
- introduced better communications in missions

12.3.1 15.III.2023
- implemented pool rewards

12.2.7 16.II.2023
- fixed for country manager algorithm
- adjusted battle view on mobile

12.2.6 14.II.2023
- fixes for the new product market view
- improved sidebar

12.2.5 11.II.2023
- war zone bug fix

12.2.4 10.II.2023
- bug fix, showing incorrect teams
- improved mobile view for battle
- fixed broken MU view
- fixed item vendor
- new loader for mobile
- new product market view

12.2.3 3.II.2023
- bug fix for evilgame (join two accounts at the same time)
- link fix racegame
- more space for description
- improved buy product page

12.2.2 2.II.2023
- bug fix for tutorial

12.2.1 1.II.2023
- bug fixes for battle drops
- bug fixes for menu

12.1.6 31.I.2023
- mobile menu redesigned

12.1.5 29.I.2023
- bug fixes for the tutorial

12.1.5 28.I.2023
- new tutorial path

12.1.4 27.I.2023
- sigma server released

12.1.3 25.I.2023
- bug fixes for tutorial

12.1.2 22.I.2023
- introduced countryball avatar generator

12.1.1 6.I.2023
- speed improvement for battle page
- improved animations

11.12.10 26.XII.2022
- general optimization and speed up of the page
- bug fixes

11.12.9 23.XII.2022
- added snow
- added new tutorial mission path
- removed animations causing freezes on mobile phone
- design improvement for work, train and equipment storage

11.12.8 16.XII.2022
- improved animations
- bug fixes for tutorial
- graphics fixes
- improvements in battle pages

11.12.7 15.XII.2022
- added total damage on battle list
- improvement on battle page: desynchronized throwing things by countryballs
- bug fixes for unica set

11.12.6 14.XII.2022
- fixed transfer bug
- fixed merge box not visible bug
- adding missing chimera badge
- fixed time od the first round for DUEL tournament
- removed donate money for luxia, epica and unica

11.12.5 9.XII.2022
- bug fix with equipment on unica
- change of profile view

11.12.4 5.XII.2022
- freezing battles during events is disabled on the last 4 days of the server

11.12.3 4.XII.2022
- fixed fast buy problem

11.12.2 3.XII.2022
- fixed lags in racegame
- fixed bug in fundraising badges
- fixed performance issues with countryballs
- more improvments to map :)

11.12.1 2.XII.2022
- countryballs in battlefield added
- improvements for the map view
- added emoticons for countryballs
- map improved

11.11.8 29.XI.2022
- countryball alpha version

11.11.7 28.XI.2022
- fix for MoS panel (sometimes not visible)
- fix for team tournament

11.11.6 23.XI.2022
- adding possibility to mute other players and filter their shouts

11.11.5 19.XI.2022
- showing country battles properly on the index page

11.11.4 9.XI.2022
- improvements for battle views

11.11.3 7.XI.2022
- fixes for battle views

11.11.2 4.XI.2022
- added new battle views

11.11.1 3.XI.2022
- improved fast buy

11.10.13 31.X.2022
- various bugfixes

11.10.12 26.X.2022
- more elixirs generated and mixed type
- added fast travel in battles
- fixed epica parameter for reschuffling
- reduced max subsidy size form 100 to 20 for later days of the server

11.10.11 21.X.2022
- fixes for fast buy
- fix for war zone event

11.10.10 20.X.2022
- introducing fast buy for traveling and battles

11.10.9 16.X.2022
- fixing buy with gold and the market bug
- fixing merge bug

11.10.8 14.X.2022
- added buying for gold on product market

11.10.7 13.X.2022
- added fastbuy on monetary market

11.10.6 12.X.2022
- fixed choosing battle bug
- adding subsidies info on battle page
- fixed bug on product market

11.10.5 11.X.2022
- fixes for cc ratio laws

11.10.4 10.X.2022
- changes in product market - now can buy products globaly
- fixes for duel tournament
- org access blocked on epica server

11.10.3 9.X.2022
- changes in epica set

11.10.2 7.X.2022
- fixes for duel tournament battle
- fixes for orgs algorithm

11.10.1 7.X.2022
- introduced new epica set
- introduced orgs managing product market, monetary market

11.9.6 30.IX.2022
-- fixed for new battle view

11.9.5 29.IX.2022
-- fixed for new battle view

11.9.4 28.IX.2022
-- fixed for new battle view

11.9.3 25.IX.2022
-- introduced new battle view

11.9.1 2.IX.2022
-- most important pages are transformed into ajax
-- fixed stealing NPC with no raw companies
-- added elixir packs
-- ogrs cannot enlist duel tournament
-- android store payment bug fixed

11.8.12 30.VII.2022
-- duel tournament rewards fix
-- duel tournament close bugfix
-- duel tournament design change
-- equipment reshuffle/upgrade are generated again in battles
-- equipment updates are shown again in drops page
-- visual update for pages for party, military unit, stock company, coalition, country politics, citizen's achievement and citizen's profile

11.8.11 29.VII.2022
-- duel tournament formatting fixes
-- changed scoring in favor of players who win some round in lost matches
-- bug fix duel tournament not allowing to make attacks and RW

11.8.10 26.VII.2022
-- duel tournament bugfixes
-- rewards increased in duel tournament
-- added more statistics in duel tournament
-- fixed issue with Q7 items in equipment manager

11.8.9 25.VII.2022
-- graphics redesign in duel tournament
-- bug fixes in duel tournament

11.8.8 24.VII.2022
-- bug fix in mentoring system
-- bug fixes in duel tournament

11.8.7 23.VII.2022
-- country tournament bug eliminated

11.8.6 22.VII.2022
-- interface improvement and bug fies for duel tournament

11.8.5 19.VII.2022
-- duel tournament added for testing on testura

11.8.4 17.VII.2022
-- added additional gold limit to transfer from nexia (popup promotion)

11.8.3 12.VII.2022
-- versa implemented

11.8.2 2.VII.2022
-- improved logging of database errors
-- fixed multiple bugs in database

11.8.1 1.VII.2022
-- fixed facebook logins
-- added another claimable offer
-- minimum level of casting vote in civil wars increaed to level 10
-- fixed bug with fundraisigng payments

11.7.10 26.VI.2022
-- voting level requirements increased to level 10
-- bigger time spread for auctions created by item vendor
-- elixirs in storage are sorted in a better way`

11.7.9 25.VI.2022
-- adding free personalized promotions

11.7.8 20.VI.2022
-- implemented personalized promotino

11.7.7 13.VI.2022
-- fixed bug - incorrect soulbound Q for splitted equipment
-- added table with information about elixirs
-- elixir page has mobile view

11.7.6 12.VI.2022
-- improved sorting on searchbox

11.7.5 11.VI.2022
-- fix merge bug on luxia
-- added number formating in profile and battle page
-- fix for special items used on equipment. Sometimes was bugged and wasting players item

11.7.4 10.VI.2022
-- equipment reshufflebug fix
-- translations fixes in laws section

11.7.3 7.VI.2022
-- added google pay payments
-- parameter reachuffle will now not shuffle old parameters (unless all types are already shuffled)

11.7.2 6.VI.2022
-- vacation and spa now visible as debuff

11.7.1 2.VI.2022
-- elixir merge hint fixed
-- spa, vacation and PD are not visible in profile

11.6.14 30.VI.2022
-- Q5 product codes changed into elixirs
-- Fixed damage on sidebar (0 or badin other players profile)
-- merging elixir bug fix

11.6.13 28.VI.2022
-- implemented payment page for android store (mobile app)

11.6.12 24.VI.2022
-- implemented payment page for android store (mobile app)

11.6.11 23.VI.2022
-- bad information in elixir debuff
-- improved elixir merge page

11.6.10 22.VI.2022
-- fixed problem with registration from play store on perm servers
-- merged Q7 equipment will now be vestia set
-- fixed multipled alerts about upgrading company in MUs
-- fixed bug on mobile with elixir view
-- banned players are not longer partiicpaing in voting in civil wars
-- extra spa and vacation will have debuff again in the profile

11.6.9 21.VI.2022
-- fixed problem on soublound swap
-- fixed collecting rewards on war zone on perm servers
-- elixir page refactored

11.6.8 20.VI.2022
-- bloody mess elixir problem fixed
-- fixed shifter buff images of elixir (requires hard refresh)
-- fixed merge elixirs
-- pain dealer debuff fixes
-- bug fixed on job offers page (filtering by region)

11.6.7 19.VI.2022
-- elixir drop rate changed
-- fixed bonus damage after tournament
-- elixirs are now put on auction by item vendor in the middle of the night

11.6.6 18.VI.2022
-- fixing more bugs with elixirs and missing elixir icons
-- fixed double capital on chimera
-- fixed miss hits when drinking lucky elixir

11.6.5 17.VI.2022
-- chimera serwer started
-- implemented merging elixirs
-- fixing numerous bugs with elixirs
-- bad debuff times onspecial items

11.6.4 16.VI.2022
-- implemented chimera map
-- implemented drops of elixirs

11.6.3 15.VI.2022
-- implemented elixirs
-- soulbound equipment in promo codes

11.6.2 14.VI.2022
-- major special items refactoring

11.6.2 10.VI.2022
-- implemented soulbound equipment for chimera

11.6.1 1.VI.2022
-- added region tab for job market (browser)

11.5.6 31.V.2022
-- fixed discord quiz

11.5.5 18.V.2022
-- refactored citizen search option
-- adding page title

11.5.4 15.V.2022
-- fixed bug with battles blocked on 13th day of the month
-- fixed bug in team tournament - cannot rejon team after deleting team.
-- fixed problem with random name on registration in Mongolia
-- race view was bugged for non-logged players
-- very rare work bug fixed

11.5.3 13.V.2022
-- fixed bug with national battle order - now it's working for resistance wars
-- citizen levels on primera, secura, suna, alpha and luxia were adjusted into new system
-- fixed bug with xp bar on nexia

11.5.2 12.V.2022
-- changed default auction time from 12 hours to 24 hours for items put from storage view
-- fixed merge view typo (Nexia->Luxia)
-- league battle length reduced from 5 to 4 minutes

-- Starting log

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